How ya’ feeling out there? Too much fruitcake? Too much sugar? Too much wadded up paper in the recycling bin? Too much holiday?
As a child I loved this holiday. Of course I did. I was on vacation from school, there was magic in the form of a tree with ornaments and lights on it inside the house, and someone known as Santa was going to bring me presents. Plus I wasn’t writing a novel, so no interruption there.
As an adult and a writer, I have a hard time with Christmas. I’ve got the shopping thing down to a minimum. I no longer clean other people’s houses, and therefore no longer have to adhere to someone else’s holiday party schedule. And I rarely drink and couldn’t care less for fruitcake. Still there comes a day when the energy of the season leans its big old snowman head into the window of my studio, and when that happens I know it’s time to just stop. Give in and join in.
Which makes New Years an especially wonderful time for the writer in me. If I have been lax I can make myself lots of promises in the form of resolutions, but if I have been productive, as I have this year, I can genuinely look forward to returning to my work.