Tag Archives: winners losers

Is Confidence Necessary?

I am at an age where I look back on my younger self with great tenderness. I wonder what happened so early in my childhood that my confidence was completely wiped out. There are of course institutions and people to … Continue reading

Posted in comfort, Comparison, creativity, critique, emotion, failure, fantasy, privacy, Self-worth, silence, Society, survival, Telling our stories, Uncategorized, Visibilty, Wounds | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Response to Shy

Dear Karen, I too am shy. Or I was anyway. Now I would say I am not so shy, but I am still very much an introvert. It amazes me how many writers can hang out at the bar after … Continue reading

Posted in creativity, fiction, Philosophy, Process, Self-worth, Starting a new work, Uncategorized, Visibilty, Writing career | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Karen, Thank you for that beautiful letter. I think I will refer to it all my life, because all my life I can expect the waves of both contentment and discontent to wash across the shores of my writing … Continue reading

Posted in Completing a novel, Process, Self-worth, Starting a new work | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments


Dear Karen, I know what you mean. When I started writing, seriously writing, my one goal was to get my novel published. I met that goal, but was surprised at how unsatisfying it felt. Suddenly there were awards I had … Continue reading

Posted in Book tour, Competition, Telling our stories, The Writer's Life | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Traditional Publishing vs. Self Publishing

Yesterday I told a friend, a fellow writer, that I am giving serious thought to self-publishing my recently completed novel.  She gave me a look of intense concern, and went on to tell me that I have a “track record,” … Continue reading

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