Fiction, memoir, and personal essay

We are all equals on the writing path and each of us is both beginner and expert.

Story Flow Critiquing Service seeks to help individual writers create and sustain a seamless narrative in novel, short fiction, personal essay, and memoir. With a careful twice-through reading and a thorough critiquing, I assist writers at any level in improving the clarity and flow of each story. I take seriously every page that is offered to me and respect every author with whom I work.

Manuscripts should be submitted in hardcopy, double spaced, using 12 point font. I require 50% down payment due with submission, balance due upon completion.

Critiquing Fees:
First 50 pages per manuscript - $5.00 per page
All pages after 50 - $4.00 per page
My fees include a one-hour phone or in-person consultation.
Travel time is extra.

All manuscripts must be provided in hard copy, 12pt font, double spaced, one inch margins all around, printed on one side of the page only.

Contact Nancy

�Nancy provided specific feedback on details like word choice and paragraph transitions, but more importantly, she assessed the manuscript as a whole. Her comments on character development and character interactions, and her suggestions for changes to consider in the storyline have been invaluable. The resulting ideas strengthened my manuscript greatly. Nancy�s feedback helped me on this current project, but I also feel that it taught me things I will be able to apply to my writing in the future. 

Unquestionably, a worthwhile service.�

- Becky Hodge

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